Welcoming Remark:

Curtin University Malaysia is going to organize the “International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST 2022)” in collaboration with IEEE Malaysia Comsoc & VTS Joint Chapter, SDEC, University of Southampton, Malaysia, G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, India, Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia, Indore Institute of Science and Technology, India, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, and University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, on 26-28 October 2022. The aim of the GECOST 2022 is to serve as a forum for engineers, researchers, and specialists from academia, research centers, and industry worldwide to discuss and present the latest developments and applications related to the challenges of securing green and clean energy sources for the 21st century to protect the environment. GECOST main areas of interest include but not limited to Green Computing and Security, Green Communications, Networks, and Signal Processing, Intelligent Embedded Systems and Analytics, Green Energy and Power System, Smart Grid, Sensors, Green Materials, Alternative Energy and Control Process, and any other Industrial and Government Digital Applications.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee (OC), I welcome you to GECOST 2022. The OC is actively planning the conference and will be updating this website with information as it becomes available. This will include information on keynote speakers, workshops, and panel sessions. Paper presentations as a part of the technical program will continue to develop as submissions are received and reviewed for final submission.

With so many exciting and interesting developments in the field of green technology today, our hope is that GECOST 2022 draws insights and encourages collaboration from many disciplines and backgrounds, and makes a difference in the world through the sharing of innovative ideas.

 GECOST 2022 is Going Virtual: The organizing committee has been constantly monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic’s situation in the world. As the situation is still very fluid, and as many participants could face travel difficulties, it was decided to proceed with GECOST  2022 as a virtual conference.

Yours sincerely

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Garenth Lim
Organizing Chair

Register and Join us for GECOST 2022

Green Energy, Computing, and Sustainable Technology 2021 International Virtual Conference will be featuring international speakers from multiple fields and different industries with various plenary session planned to make our world a better place to live.


Track 1: Green Computing and Security

Topics: High Performance Cloud Computing; Computing for Sustainability; IoT, CPS, CPSS; Data mining; Data and Information Quality Control; Computer Vision; Distributed Computing; Software Engineering; Bioinformatics; Semantics Web; Cryptography; Digital Forensics; Mobile Security; Cloud Security; Energy Constrained Network Devices; Algorithms and Game Theory.

Track 2: Green Communications, Networks, and Signal Processing

Topics: Energy Efficient Physical Layer; Power Harvesting; 5G networks; MIMO Systems; Cognitive Radio and Cognitive Networks; Signal Processing for Communications; Communication Architecture; Delay Tolerant Networks; Fault Tolerance, Reliability and Survivability; Flow and Congestion Control; Multimedia and Real-Time Networking; Optical Networks and Systems Protocols and Standards; Satellite and Space Communications; Sensor/Embedded Networks and Pervasive; Personal Area Networks; Social Network Behaviors; Modeling, And Analysis; Vehicular, Underground and Underwater Networks; Software Defined Networking , Smart Grid Communications, Power-line Communications, Antenna and Wave Propagation; Green Communication Management.

Track 3: Intelligent Embedded Systems and Analytics

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning; Agricultural Informatics and Communication; Big Data Analytics; Bio-inspired Optimization; Community Information Systems; Remote Sensing; GIS and GPS; Disaster Management; E-Systems; Informatics Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms; Hybrid Intelligent Systems; Neural Networks; Neuro-Fuzzy Models and Applications; Neuro Informatics Open Source: Challenges and Opportunities; Smart grid and Renewable Energy; Low Power Electronics; VLSI Systems; Nano Electronics; FPGA Development; System on Chip; Embedded Applications; Embedded Memory Architecture; System Automation; Power Electronics and Control Scheme.

Track 4: Green Energy and Power System, Smart Grid

Topics: Power Generation; Transmission and Distribution; Power System Monitoring; Control and Protection; Energy: Renewable Energy Sources , Grid integration of renewables, system integration of renewables, power system operation and control, Power Electronics; Energy Forecasting, Load Forecasting; Microgrids, smart grids and distributed generation: Architecture, sizing, topologies and control methods, distributed generation; Energy storage: methods, modelling, design and simulation; Electric Vehicles: Charging (slow, medium, boost), Battery Management System, Hybrid Vehicles, Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles

Track 5: Sensors, Green Materials, Alternative Energy and Control Process

Topics: Capacitive Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensors, Temperature Sensors, IR Sensors; Sensors in Process Control; Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Photonic; Nanosensors; Biosensors; Green Technologies; Green Materials; Biogas Energy Process; Solid Waste Energy; Green Sensors

Track 6: Industrial and Government Digital Applications

Topics: Big Data Analysis on Decision Making; Telecommunication Management; Industrial applications involving data analytic and computation; Data Science; AI in Governance; Policy Making; Power and Energy Management; Testing and System Trial; Prototyping validation; Green Communication Management

Important Dates

Paper Submission
July 31 2022
August 31 2022
Full Paper Acceptance
September 30 2022
Early Bird Registration
Sept 15 2022
October 15 2022
Normal Registration
October 21 2022
Conference Date
Oct 26 – 28 2022



The accepted and presented papers will be sent to IEEE for the inclusion in the IEEExplore.

Selected outstanding papers accepted for GECOST 2022 will be invited to submit an extended version to the Special Issue in:

Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE) – Indexed by: SCI-E (Science Citation Index Expanded), SciSearch, EI COMPENDEX Plus, SCOPUS, and many more.

Journal of Applied Security Research – Indexed by: Thomson Reuters – Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and SCOPUS