Call for Papers 2021

The International Conference on Green Energy, Computing, and Sustainable Technology 2021 (GECOST 2021) is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of but not limited to Green Computing and Security, Green Communications, Networks, and Signal Processing, Intelligent Embedded Systems and Analytics, Green Energy and Power System, Smart Grid, Sensors, Green Materials, Alternative Energy and Control Process. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers, and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:


Track 1: Green Computing and Security

Topics: High Performance Cloud Computing; Computing for Sustainability; IoT, CPS, CPSS; Data mining; Data and Information Quality Control; Computer Vision; Distributed Computing; Software Engineering; Bioinformatics; Semantics Web; Cryptography; Digital Forensics; Mobile Security; Cloud Security; Energy Constrained Network Devices; Algorithms and Game Theory.

Track 2: Green Communications, Networks, and Signal Processing

Topics: Energy Efficient Physical Layer; Power Harvesting; 5G networks; MIMO Systems; Cognitive Radio and Cognitive Networks; Signal Processing for Communications; Communication Architecture; Delay Tolerant Networks; Fault Tolerance, Reliability and Survivability; Flow and Congestion Control; Multimedia and Real-Time Networking; Optical Networks and Systems Protocols and Standards; Satellite and Space Communications; Sensor/Embedded Networks and Pervasive; Personal Area Networks; Social Network Behaviors; Modeling, And Analysis; Vehicular, Underground and Underwater Networks; Software Defined Networking , Smart Grid Communications, Power-line Communications, Antenna and Wave Propagation; Green Communication Management.

Track 3: Intelligent Embedded Systems and Analytics

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning; Agricultural Informatics and Communication; Big Data Analytics; Bio-inspired Optimization; Community Information Systems; Remote Sensing; GIS and GPS; Disaster Management; E-Systems; Informatics Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms; Hybrid Intelligent Systems; Neural Networks; Neuro-Fuzzy Models and Applications; Neuro Informatics Open Source: Challenges and Opportunities; Smart grid and Renewable Energy; Low Power Electronics; VLSI Systems; Nano Electronics; FPGA Development; System on Chip; Embedded Applications; Embedded Memory Architecture; System Automation; Power Electronics and Control Scheme.

Track 4: Green Energy and Power System, Smart Grid

Topics: Power Generation; Transmission and Distribution; Power System Monitoring; Control and Protection; Energy: Renewable Energy Sources , Grid integration of renewables, system integration of renewables, power system operation and control, Power Electronics; Energy Forecasting, Load Forecasting; Microgrids, smart grids and distributed generation: Architecture, sizing, topologies and control methods, distributed generation; Energy storage: methods, modelling, design and simulation; Electric Vehicles: Charging (slow, medium, boost), Battery Management System, Hybrid Vehicles, Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles

Track 5: Sensors, Green Materials, Alternative Energy and Control Process

Topics: Capacitive Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensors, Temperature Sensors, IR Sensors; Sensors in Process Control; Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Photonic; Nanosensors; Biosensors; Green Technologies; Green Materials; Biogas Energy Process; Solid Waste Energy; Green Sensors

Important Dates



Round 1 Round 2*
Extended Paper Submission May 1 2021 May 15 2021
May 30 2021
Acceptance Notification On/Before May 15 2021 May 30 2021
June 10 2021
Early Bird May 17 2021

June 15 2021

June 5 2021
June 15 2021
Normal Registration June 1 2021

June 20 2021

June 15 2021
June 20 2021
Camera Ready June 1 2021

June 20 2021

June 20 2021
Conference Date July 7 – 9 2021 July 7 – 9 2021

*Due to many requests from the authors, we open Round 2 submission.

Submission Guidelines

The manuscript should be formatted in IEEE style format. The camera-ready version for an accepted paper should not exceed 5 pages. Manuscripts that exceed 5 pages will incur mandatory over length page charges (maximum 2 extra pages).

The IEEE manuscript templates can be seen at

Submission link

Please submit your paper at